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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021

My Profile

Hi everyone, thank you for coming in my blog. My name is Cici Farikhah, I am 20 years old and i am 4th semester student in English major at Indraprasta PGRI University (UNINDRA). • My activities as English student In this pandemic situation. Of course my activity is learning at home. Such as, all of the assignment is doing at home, filling online attendence in LMS, google classroom, whatsapp group or other platforms, doing exam at home, and paying some administrasion in bank or mobile banking for who didn't get ukt scholarship. As i feel, learning at home has some benefits. Such as the time is more flexible, do all the activities at home, but sometimes the materials are difficult to understand because the material explained just from ppt and some video. As English student, i am learning parts of English language. Such as listening, writting, reading and speaking. I always do some grammar exercises, try to make an essay better by changing something to improve...